Beneficiary Designation

You can designate the Cedarburg Community Scholarship Fund as a beneficiary of :

  • Retirement Account
  • Brokerage / Investment Account
  • Bank Account
  • Life Insurance Policy

You will need to complete a beneficiary designation form provided by your retirement plan custodian, bank or life insurance company. You may be able to designate some or all of your funds will pass to CCSF and/or other charities. Your estate will benefit from an estate charitable tax deduction for your thoughtful planning and students will benefit from needed scholarships.

CCSF's EIN is 51-0137841

IRA Charitable Rollover
If you are 70 ½ or older you can use your IRA to fulfill your charitable goals and support scholarships for deserving students. Congress has enacted a permanent IRA charitable rollover. The IRA charitable rollover is also called a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD). Individuals may direct that their annual Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) be sent directly to charitable organizations such as CCSF. Individuals may transfer up to $100,000 each year. Please note that IRA charitable rollover gifts do not qualify for a charitable deduction. However, the donor does not have to claim the distribution as income.

Wills & Trusts

​An excellent way to support the students served through the Cedarburg Community Scholarship Fund is to remember us through a bequest in your will or living trust. Your bequest will be added to our general scholarship fund assisting students from our community. You can also create an endowed scholarship fund in your name or in honor of a family member, teacher or someone who had a positive impact on your life. 

Bequest Language
Your bequest could be for a specific item or amount, a percentage of your estate, the residual of your estate or a contingent bequest. You should meet with your attorney to determine which bequest is right for you and your situation. Listed below is sample bequest language for a specific amount, percentage bequest or endowed scholarship fund. These are only examples; consult an attorney or estate planning expert for assistance in crafting exact language  

Specific Amount
I do hereby give, devise and bequeath $_________ to the Cedarburg Community Scholarship Fund, Inc. PO Box 654 Cedarburg, WI 53012 TIN 51-0137841.

Percentage Bequest
I do hereby give, devise and bequeath _____ percent (____%) of my total estate as of my date of death to the Cedarburg Community Scholarship Fund, Inc. PO Box 654 Cedarburg, WI 53012 TIN 51-0137841.

Endowed Scholarship Fund
I do hereby give, devise and bequeath $_______ (or % of estate) to the Cedarburg Community Scholarship Fund, Inc. PO Box 654 Cedarburg, WI 53012 TIN 51-0137841 to create the (Name of Fund). It is my desire that grants from the fund support students who intend to pursue studies in (name of career). Should the amount of the bequest fail to meet the minimum amount to establish an endowed fund, I direct the funds to be added to the CCSF general scholarship fund.  

2021 CCSF Awards Night

By Mail

Make check payable to:

Cedarburg Community Scholarship Fund

P.O. Box 654

Cedarburg, WI 53012

Ways to Give

Corporate Match Program

Inquire if your employer offers a match on charitable donations. 

Nonprofit Information

Cedarburg Community Scholarship Fund

PO Box 654

Cedarburg, WI 53012

EIN: 51-0137841

Online via Pay Pal


Community Fundraisers

These annual and one-off events allow community members to support CCSF in a variety of ways, including:

  • Door-to-Door Student Drive (March-April)
  • Business Drive (February-March)
  • Piggly Wiggly "RoundUp" (March)
  • CCSF Color Rush (May)
  • Dine-out nights  

Donation options