Dennis Krzykowski 5K Memorial Run to Benefit the Cedarburg Community Scholarship Fund


JULY 3, 2021

Celebrating our 27th DK5K Run/Walk

100% of all proceeds support the Cedarburg Community Scholarship Fund in honor of Dennis Krzykowski. 

The 2021 DK5K will be an in-person event in 2021. We have moved the event to Saturday morning, July 3 and we have obtained a permit from the City of Cedarburg for that date. The run/walk begins at 8:30 a.m. and look for more details and registration soon!

On behalf of the DK5K event team, the CCSF board and past/future scholarship recipients we would like to thank you in advance for your participation!


Register here

We look forward to seeing your Virtual DK5K stories and photos on our facebook page.

The run was initiated in 1995 as a memorial for Dennis Krzykowski, a Cedarburg resident who died of cancer in June of 1994. Dennis was an avid fitness enthusiast and a person who gave tirelessly of his time to churches, schools and civic groups in Cedarburg during the 14 years he lived here. Through this event, we thank him for his many contributions to the community. CCSF has become the primary beneficiary of this event.

DK5K Run/Walk